Digitalisierte Subjekte, Cardiff & Nizon (2016)

Essay, Textpraxis: Das digitalisierte Subjekt, Münster, DE

"How do digital technologies affect formations of the subject and their daily practices? This anthology focusses on this question mainly from a philological perspective in individual studies as well as in theoretical reflections.

Anne Schülkes paper explores metaphors of (digitalized) subjects in visual art and literature. The 'audio walks' by artist Janet Cardiff – as well as prose texts by writer Paul Nizon – are concerned with walking or marching subjects. The use of body and technology or an auto-fictional narrative draws attention to subjects that do not relate to any tangible or visible counterparts. They cannot be described as autonomous or stable, but moving.

Metaphern für (digitalisierte) Subjekte: Wanderer und Marschierer bei Janet Cardiff und Paul Nizon

Stephan Trinkhaus comments on Anne Schülke's contribution Metaphern für (digitalisierte) Subjekte: Wanderer und Marschierer bei Janet Cardiff und Paul Nizon and further explores forms of the digitalization of subjects."

Kommentar zu Anne Schülke: »Metaphern für (digitalisierte) Subjekte«

Text: Textpraxis