zat (2012 - ongoing)
zat is a publication project by Detlef Klepsch and Anne Schülke.
We understand publishing as an artistic practice and since 2012 have been publishing booklets in smallest editions at irregular intervals, either alone or in cooperation with other artists, curators or art historians. The booklets deal with the relationship between text and image. From time to time, we organize events or participate in exhibitions on the topic of "text and image" or art book fairs.
K21 Encounters x ArtJunk, Kunstsammlung NRW, DE
Between Books, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, DE
Osthaus Museum, Hagen, DE
Book Salon, Photo Weekend, Düsseldorf, DE
Alte Kämmerei, Düsseldorf, DE
The Cologne Art Book Fair, Köln, DE
Salon des Amateurs, Düsseldorf, DE
Salon für Kunstbuch, Wien, AT

Photo: Detlef Klepsch